This site has been in work for longer than I care to admit, but it is finally here. I intend this site to be my
primary link to everyone that is interested in the all of the wonderful artwork, knives, jewelry, guitars,
and everything else that the Battleship Texas Artisans are building in support of the preservation and
restoration of the Battleship Texas.
On this site you will find a complete listing of all of the Artisans, what they are creating, and their
contact information. I encourage you to peruse the list of Artisans and reach out to them if you see
something that suits your fancy. All of these talented craftsmen have so graciously volunteered their
time and skills to our endeavor, they definitely deserve our support.
You will also find a list of the items that the artisans have donated to date, with the details you will need
to know in order to purchase these items and support the Battleship Texas Foundation. There will be
multiple ways to purchase these items, including direct sales from the Battleship Texas Foundation,
raffles, silent auctions, and live auctions.
Details of the raffles, silent auctions, and live auctions will be posted here first. Please keep checking
back for updates to this page as we continue the planning process for these events.
We will be adding a blog for the artisans to use to post photos and experiences with their works in
progress, plus occasional updates on the restoration of the Battleship Texas. Be sure to follow the link
to the Battleship Texas Foundation webpage to get details on the progress with the ship and how to get
a tour while she is in drydock. This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity to walk under the keel of a
Dreadnought that served honorably in two world wars, protected the peace for nearly half a century,
and was home to thousands of our Sailors and Marines.
I would like to thank Zachary Rodger for stepping up and creating this web page for us. Zack can be
contacted at if you have need of web development work.
So please feel free to explore our website. I am always open to suggestions for improvements and how
to better serve the Artisan community and the Battleship Texas. Contact me with any suggestions at